XLIII: Der in einen Berg verwandelte Atlas
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'Bernard Picart (or Picard) (1673-1733) was a French book illustrator and one of the outstanding engravers from the first decades of the 18th century. In 'Neueröffneter Musen-Tempel', a collection of mythological fables and stories (most notably from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses') is presented, accompanied by sixty copperplate engravings by Picart.Neueröffneter Musen-Tempel.'
Detalle de la imagen
Título XLIII: Der in einen Berg verwandelte Atlas
Autor Bernard Picart
Fecha 1754
Fuente -
Créditos Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Zona -
Tema Imágenes de referencia
Medio Grabado
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