Wie der König und die Königin sich zu erlustiren spassiren gehen
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'Native American chief or king and his wife or queen walk followed by attendants who fan them or carry baskets.The text describes the chief or king walking with his first wife and also describes how they are tattooed and otherwise decorated. The women wear clothes made out of Spanish moss, outline their lips in blue paint, and file their fingernails to sharp points. This work was published by Theodor de Bry from manuscript notes and drawings made by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, an illustrator and explorer, who sailed with René de Laudonničre on the 1564 Huguenot expedition to Florida. Laudonničre set up Fort Caroline on the St. John's River in 1564, but the settlement was destroyed by the Spanish army under Pedro Menendez de Aviles. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 2. German.'
Detalle de la imagen
Título Wie der König und die Königin sich zu erlustiren spassiren gehen
Autor Theodor de Bry
Fecha 1591
Fuente America. Pt 2.
Créditos JCB Archive of Early American Images, Brown University
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