Their danses vvhich they vse att their hyghe feastes
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'Fourteen native Americans dance in a circle around three female native Americans. Evenly spaced in a circle among the human figures are seven slightly taller carved posts with faces carved into their tops. Nine of the figures carry rattles, two carry arrows, and ten carry or wear branches of various kinds.The engraving is after a watercolor by John White. Hariot notes that this ceremony took place at night and involved people from neighboring villages. Theodor De Bry's America. Part I. English.'
Detalle de la imagen
Título Their danses vvhich they vse att their hyghe feastes
Autor John White
Fecha 1590
Fuente America. Pt 1. A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia
Créditos JCB Archive of Early American Images, Brown University
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