Pedro de Mendoza administra justicia a tres ladrones, detalle
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'Men climb a gallows from which hang three bodies. Other men carry away, cook, and eat body parts or limbs. Includes horses, ladder, tents, cookfires, swords, and axes.In 1534 Pedro de Mendoza was sent to the colony of Rio de la Plata. The following year several hundred Spaniards established a colony on the present-day site of Buenos Aires. When food became scarce, three men stole a horse and ate it. They were hanged for this crime, and during the night some of the others cut down their bodies and ate them. This work contains relations of six different voyages: three by Sir Francis Drake, one circumnavigation by Thomas Cavendish (or Candish), and two by Sir Walter Raleigh to Guiana. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 8. Latin.'
Detalle de la imagen
Título Pedro de Mendoza administra justicia a tres ladrones, detalle
Autor Theodor de Bry
Fecha 1599
Fuente America. Pt 8.
Créditos JCB Archive of Early American Images, Brown University
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