Nigritae exhaustis venis metallicis consiciendo saccharo operam dare debent
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'Slaves process sugar cane and make sugar. Built environment includes grinding mill driven by men in an open-sided dwelling, a water wheel in distance. Workers gather sugar cane in fields. Cane juice is boiled in a vessel and ladled into others.This image is one of the earliest depictions of slavery in the New World. This work was published by Theodor de Bry and is derived from the second part of Girolamo Benzoni, Historia del mondo nuovo, Venice, 1565. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 5. Latin.'
Detalle de la imagen
Título Nigritae exhaustis venis metallicis consiciendo saccharo operam dare debent
Autor Theodor de Bry
Fecha 1595
Fuente America. Pt 5.
Créditos JCB Archive of Early American Images, Brown University
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